Parlor: Agape Class led by Leann Love
Room 110: Lee’s Bible Class led by Reba Maxson and David Berrier
Room 105 : Fellowship Class led by Joan Catoe
Youth Sunday School is in the youth room.
Our Blended Service meets at 10:30 in the Sanctuary.
We have a blended service of contemporary and traditional worship in our sanctuary at 10:30. This upbeat and celebratory service honors God with prayer, Scripture, a message from our senior pastor, and excellent music from our Chancel Choir. This service also features regular special music from our other music ministries and talented individuals!
Livestreaming… Smile, you are on camera!
Our Worship Service is Livestreamed. For most of the service, the camera is focused on the speakers and musicians, though there will be moments as the congregation is gathering that the congregation will be included. Please be patient with us as we begin this method of online worship. It will look quite different from our current online worship. We will be working diligently to transition into a high quality livestream worship experience. We will be livestreaming to our YouTube channel. To watch our Sunday morning livestream do the following;
Go to our youtube page (do this at the time the service is scheduled to start)
Save this website as one of your favorites for easy access
Click the subscribe button if you haven’t already
Click the BELL icon to get notifications of our livestream
To watch the livestream – click the top video on our YouTube page . It will be a picture of our church with “Welcome to Worship” across it. It will appear when the livestreaming begins. You may need to refresh your browser if you haven’t subscribed to the channel and clicked the BELL icon for notifications.
We will send out an email on Sunday mornings with the link and instructions

A nursery is provided for all Sunday services. The nursery is staffed with at least two adults at all times. All children are welcome, from infants to five years (that is, not yet enrolled in school.) 9 until the 11:10 am service lets out. The nursery is located on the lower level of the Kale Christian Center. For further information, please contact Courtney at [email protected].
Adult Classes
Currently, there are 7 active adult Sunday School classes to choose from. For a full list of classes, please click here.
Youth Classes
Our Middle School Sunday School class meets in Room 328 and the High School Sunday School Class meets in Room 323. Both groups meet upstairs in the Boren Building.
Children’s Classes
Sunday Mornings
Children’s Sunday School begins at 9 am in room 101 of the Kincaid building. Our Children’s Ministry offers a nursery for our 10:30 service also in room 101.
Courtney Sanford is Director of Children’s Ministries at Muir’s Chapel. For more information, please email her at [email protected].